Job Interview Buzz Words – Concepts You Can Use To Get The Job You Want

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There are three interview buzz words that are considered most important by companies. In fact, these three are the cornerstones on which the whole interviewing process is based. If you understand what’s behind these job interview buzz words, you’ll enhance your chances of success greatly.

So what are these job interview buzz words? Let’s take them one at a time.

The first buzz word: Capability

This concept is all about finding out “Can this candidate do the job well?” If you’re the job seeker, your role is to convince the employer that you can indeed do the job well. How do you do that?

You do it by providing hard evidence of your performance in the past. You need to have examples of specific performances / accomplishment ready along with details like numbers. You must be able to prove that you have relevant experience, and have produced specific results.

Of course, you should be able to demonstrate you have relevant knowledge about your area.

Second buzz word: Fit

The interviewer wants to know, “Can this person fit into my organization and work?”

Even if the job hunter demonstrates that he or she can do the job well, that alone is not enough. If the interviewer gets the feeling that the candidate somehow does not ‘belong’ to that organization, he may not be selected.

You’ll find ideas about ‘fit’ throughout this site.

Third buzz word: Desire

Let’s say the job seeker is fully capable of doing the job and seems to fit in well. The next question is, “Does he want the job?”

To prove this, you must not only be enthusiastic and state that you’d like to have the job, but must back up your claim of interest in the company by proving that you know something about them. In other words, the background research you’ve done must show through.

That’s how they’ll get convinced that you really want the job.

Plan your preparation around these job interview buzz words and you’ll come out far ahead of most candidates. See other pages on this site as well as this resource for more information.